
Like a cactus, infertility is a difficult subject to handle. Both subjects make people uncomfortable but both subjects are misunderstood because they appear tough when we take them on face value. Cacti with their areoles, their spikes, thick skin, plump sculptural forms- mammary and phallic alike- and as long-time symbols for resilience make them a perfect partner to the subject of infertility. Infertility, considered a taboo, is not only uncomfortable and painful to handle but also difficult to talk about, like a cactus. The titles of these works go hand in hand with the works themselves, wordplay works together with the image to create a double meaning soTender nipples, plays on the mammillaria prolifera cactus, nicknamed ‘nipple cactus’, through a sharp and graphic aesthetic, it is shown rendered from a 3D clumping and globular form into a flat planed single woodcut print inked in vibrant and jarring colours.